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World leading K&N performance air filters!
Since 1969 K&NEngineering has been designing manufacturing and enhancing High-Flow AirFilters for the motorcycle enthusiast interested in maximizing horsepowerand acceleration. Since their humble beginnings K&N have designed andmanufactured over 2 400 High-Flow Air Filters to fit most modern vehiclesand over 500 High-Flow Air Intake Systems. K&N not only have moreapplications than any other manufacturer of similar product K&N inventedthe High-Flow category and the High-Flow Technology that supports it. K&Nalso makes thousands of racing and specialty type air filters!

Engine Protection Filtration
Anyone can flow more air. Thetrick is to flow more air safely. K&N have hit the sweet spot - an optimalblend of high air flow filtration efficiency durability and dustcapacity.

The Importance of Oil
A K&N Air Filter is made of 4to 6 layers of cotton gauze sandwiched between two epoxy-coated aluminiumwire screens. The cotton is treated with a specially formulated grade ofoil causing tackiness throughout the cotton's microscopic strands. Thenature of the cotton allows high volumes of airflow and when combined withthe tackiness of the oil creates a powerful filtering media that ensuresengine protection. In contrast most other media can not maintain the samebalance of airflow and filtration throughout the filter's life withoutsacrificing one or the other. With a K&N Air Filter there is no sacrifice!Since 1969 K&N Engineering has been designing manufacturing and enhancingHigh-Flow Air Filters for the motorcycle enthusiast. K&N invented theHigh-Flow category and the High-Flow Technology that supports it. K&N havehit the sweet spot ? an optimal blend of high air flow filtrationefficiency durability and dust capacity. A K&N Air Filter is made of 4 to6 layers of cotton gauze sandwiched between two epoxy-coated aluminium wirescreens. The cotton is treated with a specially formulated grade of oil